Wed. Jul 10th, 2024
6. Isotonic Exercise Training1

Knowing the differences between these movements will enable you to develop a functional exercise program that is tailored to your specific requirements and will ultimately help you achieve your fitness objectives.

In order to improve your physical health, exercising is generally defined as moving your body. You can do this in a variety of ways, and different exercises call for different kinds of muscle contraction. Isotonically and isometrically are the two primary methods by which muscles contract. You should try to include both types of exercise in your workout routine if you want to continue growing.

What is Isotonic Exercise

Exercise that changes the length of the muscle requires that muscles resist weight over a range of motion. When performing isotonic exercise, such as curling a dumbbell at the elbow or rising into a sit-up, we typically think of our muscles shortening. Concentric muscle contraction is the term for this. Isotonic exercise also includes eccentric muscle contractions, such as slowly extending your arm or lowering yourself to the ground while defying gravity. The best outcomes from your isotonic exercise will come from incorporating a combination of these types of movements, which will help to increase muscle mass and strength.

Isotonic Vs. Isometric Exercises

Although you might not be too familiar with the term “isotonic,” you are undoubtedly familiar with the phrase “isometric,” which has been a part of the muscle vernacular for ages. Isometric means “same length,” as in, during an isometric muscle contraction, the length of the muscles does not change (and neither does the angle of the joint they act on). Any time you’ve stopped to hold and squeeze a rep in a particular position, you’re doing an isometric (which is why they’re sometimes called “iso holds”). Isometric training involves holding your body still at the top of a chinup or pausing your arm halfway through a curl; while doing so, your muscles are working hard, but there is no actual movement taking place.

The intensity of the workout can be increased by incorporating isometric exercises with isotonic ones. For instance, after you finish a set of squats, you could walk over to a wall and perform a wall sit (“sit” with your hips and knees 90 degrees and your back against the wall for support) and hold for time. This is a great method for frying your legs.

Isometric exercises can be used to make light weights appear heavier. You can hold isometric contractions at various points in the range of motion to make the exercise feel much harder and eliminate the need for more difficult loads if you have an injury, for example, and you don’t want to risk aggravating it with heavy weights. This is also a smart strategy when you find yourself at an ill-equipped hotel gym, or your When you’re spending the holidays at Aunt Tilly’s house and can only use the pink dumbbells she left in the garage to gather dust. You can make the weight feel much heavier and get more out of it by slowing down your lifting motion and holding the middle, bottom, or top of some exercises.

It’s also a good idea to slow down your sets when using isometric exercises to maintain tight form. If you have to pause and hold for each repetition, you’re less likely to rush through your set and become sloppy.

Additionally, you could use isometric exercises to strengthen a spot in a lift that needs work. Bench presses with an isometric hold could be performed at the point in the range of motion where you find your sticking point on the bench press to be a few inches from lockout. A power rack’s safety catches should be placed in that location so that the bar can rest there. Set up as though you were going to bench as usual by loading the bar with a weight that is so heavy that you can’t possibly lift it. Try to press the bar for three seconds while pushing as hard as you can. It goes without saying that the weight won’t move, but you will have performed an isometric exercise that teaches your muscles to become more powerful in that position. Your sticking point should vanish after a few weeks of isometric training.

Along with isotonics and isometrics, the term “isokinetic training” may also be used in the context of exercise science. Isokinetic means “same speed.” These exercises are performed on specialized machines that change the resistance they offer based on your movement speed, ensuring that the pace of your reps remains constant regardless of how hard you work. This indicates that the muscles are under the greatest tension throughout the entire range of motion.

Isokinetics’ main advantage is safety. Since the machine regulates the pace, it is frequently used in rehab settings to assist patients in recovering from injuries through low-risk training. Research suggests that isokinetic lifting may be more efficient for rehab than isotonic exercise, but unless you train at an elite facility, or you’re paying for the best possible physical therapy, isokinetic training is impractical and out of reach, so we won’t spend any more time on it.

Also keep in mind that Drago was knocked out at the conclusion of that movie, so if isotonic exercise was sufficient for Rocky, it should be sufficient for you.

6. Isotonic Exercise Training2

What Are Some Forms of Isotonic Exercise?

Walking, running, hiking, swimming, skiing, and dancing are all regarded as isotonic exercises. Movement-based resistance training exercises like squats, pushups, pullups, bench presses, deadlifts, and bicep curls are also effective. Even commonplace tasks like housekeeping, lawn care, and gardening offer isotonic exercise. Exercise with isotonic amplitude need not be monotonous! It can be a thrilling experience and a fun way to play every day while getting important exercise.

What Are the Benefits of Isotonic Exercise?

Isotonic exercise lowers your risk of heart disease while increasing oxygen consumption, heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, and muscular endurance, all of which contribute to the strengthening of your cardiovascular system. Due to the constant stress that leads to the formation of new bone, isotonic exercise also increases bone density. You’ll have a lower risk of breaking a bone if your bones are stronger. Additionally to boosting vital health indicators like cholesterol and blood sugar levels, isotonic exercise burns calories. Naturally, it also aids in the development of larger, stronger muscles, which enables you to fend off fractures, falls, sprains, and other types of harm. Exercise that is isotonic will become simpler as you do it more frequently.

Isometric exercise entails holding a still position while contracting the muscles. The muscle’s tendon is activated but the joint and muscle don’t move. Although isometric exercise is less effective than isotonic exercise at boosting strength, speed, or overall athletic performance, it can help to stabilize injured or weak joints in order to prepare the body for more difficult training in the future. By simultaneously working the major muscle groups in the upper and lower bodies, isometric exercise can be made more effective.

What Are Some Forms of Isometric Exercise?

Isometric exercise is frequently advised by physical therapists for the recovery of injuries, but many regular exercises also fall under this category. Isometric exercises include stationary ones like hollow-body holds, planks, bridges, and wall sits. Each held pose is an isometric exercise on its own, even though a yoga class includes isotonic elements as you move through the poses. A variety of isometric exercises can help you work your muscles in ways you might not be accustomed to, which increases the effectiveness of your exercise routine while also making it more interesting.

What Are the Benefits of Isometric Exercise?

Isometric exercise is kind to joints while still developing and maintaining strength, making it the best form of exercise for people who require low impact exercise due to arthritis or injury. Isometric exercise is a good option for getting in a workout without having to go outside or to the gym if you have a small amount of space at home. Exercises that are isometric help to increase muscle mass, bone density, and strength while also lowering cholesterol and enhancing digestive processes. Isometric exercise lowers blood pressure, just like all other forms of exercise. However, people with high blood pressure should proceed cautiously with isometric exercise and speak to their doctors before starting any new exercise program.

Good Stretches for Loosening Up

You must warm up and get your muscles ready to handle resistance safely whether you’re engaging in isotonic, isometric, or isokinetic training. Many people use stretching as part of their warm-up with the hope that the temporary improvement in range of motion will help them get more benefit from their exercises. However, stretching does not effectively increase muscle temperature, and if you use too much force in your stretches, it may even result in injury. A better warmup strategy is mobility training, which combines stretching and light movement to both raise your core temperature and prepare the muscles to work through the ranges of motion that you’ll use during your workout.

Use any or all of the mobility exercises listed below, provided by Natalie Higby, co-founder of the Durable Athlete app, in your warm-up routine. Perform 5–10 reps of each, then repeat for a total of 2–3 sets.

Sample Beginner’s Isotonic Workout

An isotonic exercise routine for building upper-body strength is shown below.

1. Bench Press

Sets: 4 Reps: 4 Rest: 3 to 5 minutes

Step 1. Position yourself so that the bar is directly over your eyes. Your shoulders, back, and butt should remain in contact with the bench, and your feet should be flat on the ground. To ensure that your elbows will form a 90-degree angle when you lower the bar to your chest, hold it with hands that are roughly shoulder-width apart (you may need to slide them an inch or two in either direction).

Step 2. Hold the bar over your chest after it has been unracked. Reach your chest with the weight. Press the bar back into place after touching your chest.

2. Dip

Sets: 3 Reps: 15 Rest: 90 seconds to 2 minutes

Step 1. Brace your core as you hang from the dip station’s bars.

Step 2. As you lower yourself, drive your elbows back. Push yourself back to the starting position once your shoulders and elbows are in line.

3. Pullup

Sets: 3 Reps: 15 Rest: 90 seconds to 2 minutes

Step 1. Put your hands on the bar just outside of your shoulders, palms facing forward. Hold on to the bar while maintaining a tight core.

Step 2. Get your chin over the bar by pulling yourself up.

4. Overhead Banded Triceps Extension

Sets: 3 Reps: 20 Rest: 60–90 seconds

Step 1. Grab one end of a circle band in each hand and fasten it to a heavy object above your head. With your arms raised in the air, move away from the anchor point. Your legs should be spread apart. To tighten the band, revert your hips. The top of your head should be in a straight line with the heel of your back foot.

Step 2. Without moving your torso or upper arms, extend your elbows. Each set should alternate the front leg.

5. Dumbbell Reverse Fly

Sets: 3 Reps: 20 Rest: 60–90 seconds

Step 1. Hinge your hips back to a position where they are at a 45-degree angle while holding a light dumbbell in each hand. Extend your arms in front of you with your elbows slightly bent while bracing your core; do not let your shoulders relax.

Step 2. Keeping your upper back and shoulders tight, raise the dumbbells to your sides. Verify that you do not shrug during the lift and that your shoulders remain relaxed. Control the weight reduction.


Knowing the advantages of isometric and isotonic movements can help you get the most out of your workouts whether you’re trying to increase your strength or recover from an injury. For most workout plans, combining the two is ideal for most people.