Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024
how to do dumbbell swing

Dumbbell swings are an easy and efficient exercise that boosts performance by enhancing strength and power.

The advantages of the dumbbell swing, how it can enhance your physique, and a step-by-step breakdown of how to carry out the exercise are discussed below.

How to Perform the Dumbbell Swing?

Step One
Make sure to warm up your body by engaging in simple cardiovascular exercises like stair climbing, jogging, or jumping jacks. The best cardiovascular workouts are a mix of a few different types. Ten minutes is about how long you should do this. After that, stretch.

Step Two
Put a dumbbell in the exact middle of your body and directly beneath you as you stand tall. Since you’ll be doing a few warm-up sets, start with a light dumbbell. Choose a weight that is appropriately heavier once your warm-up sets are finished.

Step Three
Put your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Then, kneel and lower your hips to the ground while maintaining a straight back.

Step Four
The dumbbell (or kettlebell, sandbag, etc.) should be held firmly in your hands.) with the left hand. Bring your shoulder blades back and down while lifting your chest. Ensure that your upper traps (shoulders) are not raised.

Step Five
Lean a little forward and tighten your core. To swing the dumbbell between your legs and above your head, keep the arm straight throughout. To do this, hold the dumbbell with the same grip you were using before allowing it to move back toward your glutes.

Step Six
When the dumbbell returns to the ground and passes between your legs, keep it under control. Throughout, keep your back straight. Swing back and forth in the prescribed number of repetitions. Continue on the opposite side.

Bonus Step
Want to increase the difficulty of the dumbbell swing? Think about encircling the dumbbell or kettlebell with an Alpha Grip. Your grip strength will be put under more strain as a result. You can enhance the effectiveness of each lift by strengthening your grip. If you’re using an Alpha Grip, be sure to use less weight to prevent slippage.

Benefits of Dumbbell Swing

Compound Movement

The dumbbell swing is a combination exercise that resembles a front lateral raise, deep back squat, and overhead press. The quadriceps, hamstrings, chest, trapezius, shoulders, and abdominals are among the major muscle groups in that the dumbbell swing works as a compound movement. It is a successful method for increasing strength, endurance, power, and speed because it targets all of these muscles and changes the weight and tempo.


The dumbbell swing is one of the easiest exercises for strongmen. You only need a dumbbell and a little headroom. Do not possess a dumbbell? That’s okay; you can use an alternative weight like a milk jug filled with rocks, sand, or water, a kettlebell, a sandbag, or another object. The dumbbell swing can also be done in most locations, including homes, parks, and commercial gyms.

Lower Risk Exercise

There is no lifting belt or barbell around your waist. Dumbbell swings are one of the lowest risk Strongman exercises because they are simple movements that don’t compress the spine or joints. You just need to be careful not to let go of the weight once it is above your shoulder line. We advise using a pair of wrist wraps when performing the exercise since trying to snap the weight up unnecessarily can strain your wrists.

Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Go Light (For Now)

There’s no need to start out heavy with Strongman exercises if you’re just starting out. If you do, you run the risk of hurting yourself and missing several weeks or months of Strongman training. As you become more adept at the exercise’s form, execution, and execution, gradually increase the weight you use.

Consider Strongman Gear

Wrist wraps and knee sleeves can provide support for performance and protection if you have previous injuries or sensitive joints.

What Muscles Do Dumbbell Swings Work?

The Dumbbell Swing targets and works the core as well as the upper and lower bodies. The hamstrings, quads, pecs, chest, traps, shoulders, and abs are all worked during the exercise.

The dynamic motion also puts a lot of strain on the stabilizing muscles, which include those in the midback, lower back, rotator cuff, and forearms.

Dumbbell Swings Vs Kettlebell Swings – Are They as Good?

They differ, and that is a straightforward explanation.

They both target many of the same muscle groups and have a similar mechanism of action, but the dumbbell swing uses a neutral grip on the handle of the kettlebell rather than an overhand (pronated) grip.

This makes your muscles work in a different manner, which is a highly effective way to introduce fresh stimuli into your workouts.

The object cannot move as independently with the dumbbell swing as it can with the kettlebell swing.

Kettlebells are more difficult to handle than dumbbells. As a result, it serves as a useful exercise for beginners learning the movement as well as for intermediate and advanced athletes loading up heavier weights than might otherwise be possible with a kettlebell.

Close Note: Keep Traning

All of the Dumbbell Swing Workouts mentioned above are excellent ways to change up your training’s stimulus. You are compelled to move differently as a result, and your mind is also challenged to consider seemingly familiar movements in new ways.

They will also aid in the development of a stronger upper body, improved power output, and improved conditioning. Outdoor fitness pursuits like rock climbing, kayaking, and stone lifting can effectively be applied to this.